Moruya River Fishing

The flats on the lower part of the river have seen an increase in flathead activity with.
Moruya river fishing. Map of moruya river upper reaches closed waters pdf 132 78 kb any species of fish. The town is a shoppers dream with saturday morning markets at riverside park antique and second hand stores. The newly restored wharf near the historic quarry on the northern side of the moruya river is a great fishing platform for bream flathead and tailor.
Keep an eye out for tailor salmon bream and flathead. The whole of the tidal waters of moruya river and its tributaries from kiora bridge upstream to the junction with wamban creek. Moruya river fishing map is included in new south wales fishing maps nautical charts folio.
Moruya river set mesh nets. The period from 15 may to 31 august both dates inclusive. The moruya river has plenty of spots easily accessible to the angler with or without a boat.
Down near the river mouth there is a breakwall on both the northern and southern sides that is high enough to remain safe from most seas. High tides and low tides surf reports sun and moon rising and setting times lunar phase fish activity and weather conditions in moruya. Tides4fishing cookies are used to personalise content and ads save your recent fishing sites and remember your display settings.
There have been a few tailor and salmon hanging around the lower sections of the river but these have started to slow up a bit. Good locations include the highway bridge the jetty on the southern bank near the swimming pool and the jetty near the old quarry on the way to the airport on the northern side of. Moruya heads is the perfect place for a fishing adventure when you re on holidays.
Deua national park forms the rugged forest terrain backdrop behind moruya and is a haven for birdlife and unique flora and fauna. Moruya river upper reaches. Any species of fish.
Boat hire is available at the moruya river boatshed phone 4474 3186. Your up to date fishing report from the team at tackle world moruya moruya river a quieter week on the whole with not a great deal to report from the river this week. It is available as part of iboating.
Methods of fishing prohibited. Any method involving the use of a net other than a landing. It is ideally located opposite the beach moruya river is only minutes up the road and the va.
The fishing in moruya river remains the same coming into the weekend. Look for areas of slime free sand to tempt the ever increasing numbers of bream whiting and flathead that have shown up with the warmer water to keep the holiday makers entertained. Live nippers pumped fr.
All of the waters of the moruya river and its tributaries from the high voltage power lines crossing the river approximately 250 metres upstream of the junction with mogendura creek upstream to the kiora bridge. Australia marine fishing app now supported on multiple platforms including android iphone ipad macbook and windows tablet and phone pc based chartplotter.